Wednesday, April 16, 2008

What a smart boy

Today we were sittting down eating lunch and Lincoln sang the ABC's. I did not even know he could sing that. I thought it was so cute, so I thought you all would enjoy it as well. It is one of those days that I am so glad I get to be home every day with the kids. Then I will never miss cutsie moments like this!! P.S. I hope this actually plays a movie for you all, I am sorta challenged in these technilogical areas!


Pamcakes said...

Hi, I guess the movie did not make it on the post. I'll try later. Pam

Kjerstin said...

You have a blog, too? Sweet! Call me and give me your email so I can invite you to mine (crazy lady made a scary comment, so I made mine private. . .long story). I LOVE your picture, so funny!