I'm sorry if anyone is totally grossed out by feet but look closely. This is Carsons foot. His toenail used to be all in one piece until yesterday. He was coming home from school kicking his new ball down the street. I guess he missed the ball and kicked the road and BROKE his toenail in half and off his toe. He gets kind of silly when he gets hurt. His cousin "Willy" was supposed to come over and he said" I don't want anyone to come over anymore" Which he promtly followed with" When is Willy gonna be here?" They were still able to manage the video games together. I think he has been so tough, last night I pulled the dangling toenail off the rest of the way and Carson didn't even move. Now we just hope it will grow back right so he will still be proud to wear flip flops!
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
That hurts!
I'm sorry if anyone is totally grossed out by feet but look closely. This is Carsons foot. His toenail used to be all in one piece until yesterday. He was coming home from school kicking his new ball down the street. I guess he missed the ball and kicked the road and BROKE his toenail in half and off his toe. He gets kind of silly when he gets hurt. His cousin "Willy" was supposed to come over and he said" I don't want anyone to come over anymore" Which he promtly followed with" When is Willy gonna be here?" They were still able to manage the video games together. I think he has been so tough, last night I pulled the dangling toenail off the rest of the way and Carson didn't even move. Now we just hope it will grow back right so he will still be proud to wear flip flops!
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Here's the week...
This picture is actually of the first day of school here, please notice the green grass, it is not green now because it will not stop snowing! Anyway, this week I got to go to the school(the girls I babysit were sick)and we ate lunch in the cafeteria with Maycee. It was so cute, when we got to school Maycee was sitting in the chair right in the front waiting for us and then she showed us what to do. It brang back many memories from the "old days". Were those tables and benches always so small? I was very entertained to watch all the little kids eat their chicken fried steak, they don't hand out knives in the elementry school, so all of them stabbed their big hunk of meat with their forks and took bited out of it that way. It was very cute. It was nice weather for part of the week and then it went BAD! (I just tried to put a picture of a snowy robin right here, but it ended up on the top. So please note the picture of the snowy robin on the top of this post!) We looked outside and saw this poor robin with the look on his face that seemed to say"What the heck just happened I thought it was spring". I think we all felt the same way. There is someone just down the road that put a big giant blow up santa out in their yard, it quickly blew down because of the extreme wind, but they were kind of funny. Now today it is beautiful with the sun shining and last night it was nice enough that Jeff and I hired a babysitter and walked around the entire green belt(a big path around the snake river) with out freezing. I guess people are right when they say" If you don't like the weather in Idaho just wait 20 minutes". I think we are all ready to have summer!!!
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Lets try this again...
Is Lincoln in this picture? If it worked he will be so cute! He slightly modifies the alphabet, but I still think he is as smart as he can be, who needs t.u.v.w. and x right. I love his little voice too. You should hear him sing I am a Child of God. He gets the words... almost right?
Our poor babysitter
Every Thursday I have an 11 year old boy named Cameron come over and watch the kids while me and Maycee go to gymnastics(I coach her class). Well this week, this is what I came home to. They had decided to put Cameron in the corner, make him dress like a girl, tape him up, smear lipstick all over him and tape little pieces of paper all over the living room that said"camera" like they were hidden cameras. When I walked in I laughed so hard and told them to FREEZE so I could take a picture. He is such a good sport! I wonder if he will show up next Thursday??
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
What a smart boy
Today we were sittting down eating lunch and Lincoln sang the ABC's. I did not even know he could sing that. I thought it was so cute, so I thought you all would enjoy it as well. It is one of those days that I am so glad I get to be home every day with the kids. Then I will never miss cutsie moments like this!! P.S. I hope this actually plays a movie for you all, I am sorta challenged in these technilogical areas!
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Oh what a happy day!!!!!
Friday, April 11, 2008
I am now a blogger!!!
I babysit 2 kids daily...an 18 month old Lizzy and a 6 year old Sara. Lizzy had been sick with the stomach flu last week, so I was waiting to see who got it next, it happened to be Sara. Monday she went to school and seemed fine, but somehow returned- not fine. We went through the day with complaints of a stomach ache, but no puking. It came time to take Maycee to singing practice(which is in my neighborhood, drive time max. of 2 min.) I looked in the mirror to see Sara sweating and breathing at an unusual rate. I said "Are you gonna puke? I am gonna pull over, if you need to, get out and do it on the road." So I did. With the door open and everyone waiting for her exit, she barfed all over the car and herself, I jumped out of the car( which unfortunately was still in drive) to yank her out so she could finish on the road. As she drove by me I grabbed her. She puked all down my clothes and I went chasing after the car. I jumped in and quickly put it in "PARK" and jumped back out to see if she was okay. As the drivers side door knocked me off balance I realized the car was not in park, but was now in reverse. I regained my balance, chased after the car and finally got it in park. My boys who are in the car as well have now nearly crapped their pants and are screaming like the world may have well just ended. I then got out of the car, picked up the puked on, crying girl, set her down on the puked on seat, and all I could say was, "thank you very much for puking in my car instead of aiming it out the door".