Sunday, September 12, 2010

Fair time...WORMS!

We love to go to the state fair every is like a pathetic vacation to us but we love-love-love it! Well this year we wanted the kids to do something to help earn some extra $$ to spend, so Jeff thought it would be wise to "worm" the yard. Let me give ya a little background on how this goes...1st you head down to the bait and tackle store, 2nd you buy this sollution for $20.00, 3rd you go home and dump this sollution on your grass and the worms come up to say hello, 4th you grab the worms and put them in a "worm prison camp" until you can take them to the bait store and cash them in for lots of money.

Here is the outfit Jeff decided to put on to humor me. Lookin' good right! Everyone was pretty excited for this to happen. Jeff did the mixing and dumping and picking up the wormies...

Carson had no mercy and a certain skill that no one else could quite develope. He could yank a worm that was 1/2 out of the ground with out breaking it in 2.

Lincoln was also very brave. He started wearing his work gloves but quickly shed them so he could be more at 1 with the worms and he got pretty good at getting them out of the ground too. He would occasionally rip one in half, oopsie. Or squeeze the poop out of them.

Maycee did ok at first but as the night progressed so did her gross out factor for the worms and she would just hold the flashlight and point the worms out for the boys to grab. And I was in charge of the bucket, I would say "trick or treat" and the boys would throw worms right in. Here is the good news, we spent $20.00 on the sollution and after 2 1/2 nights of worming we had about 7 1/2 lbs. of worms, cashing in at $22.17 for a total of $2.17 profit! We made a killing huh!


Jenny G said...

That'll get you 1/2 a scone nugget. Mmmm, I miss it.

Jessica Taylor Blaine said...

I did this every summer from very little till I got a real job at 16 years old. We made good money. Don't let Jeff try it with the electric prong wormers.

Tammy said...

Oh, that profit is not good enough!! Just remember - you did good at the garage sale - hopefully you had some cash left from that to get you some yummy fair food!! We didn't even go this year....Don't remind Willie - he thinks he was very jipped.

Kjerstin said...

Wow, you're loaded! :) Hopefully it made your lawn even more lush and healthy, that would be good even if you didn't make the big bucks.

Anonymous said...

That is tooooo funny! I have never heard of that before, and your description is precious!
Aunt Roxie