Saturday, October 4, 2008

My silly "quirks"

My friend Amber tagged me and I am supposed to write 6 Quirks about myself, so here we go...
1. I have a serious issue with people touching my nose, if you do it makes me freak out and do mean things to who ever has touched it. (Seriously, don't touch it)
2. I hate looking at or handling raw meat. Sometimes I have a hard time eating the meat if I have seen it raw and have had to touch it. Jeff knows this and will sometimes show me his hamburger that is not quite cooked all the way, then I dry heave and can not finish my hamburger. Yuck!!
3. I dislocate easily. I have permanently scarred my sister Jenny because the first time I dislocated my knee it was inches away from her face. It is not my best quality, at least I don't randomly start on fire or anything.
4. I hate scary movies. Jeff was watching House of Wax on the t.v. when we had free HBO trial. And he was in my bedroom(o.k. our bedroom)at bedtime so I had to watch it with him cuz I was too scared not to. Now I will forever keep asking him"hey do you remember in house of wax when 'this' happened" and he will say"yes" and then I have to tell him how it destroyed me forever.
5. If I am on my cell phone in my car I always pass the street I am supposed to turn on. If any one has been on the phone with me while I am in the car you have probably heard me say"woops, I have to turn around, there goes my street".
6. I am a closet singer and dancer, if no one is around, I love to sing loud and dance around. Please don't try to peak into my windows.
Now wasn't that fun, I think I would like to know some of your quirks now, so Jenny, Tammy and Becky give me some dirt on you. That will be due one week from today or I will give you an F.


Tammy said...

I don't like to admit my quirks, but for you, Pam, here ya go:
1. I hate snuggling or much of any close contact. I have to breath my own air - not someone else's. I have a maximum time to snuggle at night (about 30 seconds) and then I'm just too hot and I'm going to suffocate.
2. I usually do my house cleaning on Friday night. I like to wake up on Saturday knowing that I don't have a day full of chores. Dane hates it and hasn't leared to love Friday toilet-cleaning night.
3. My head is too small for my body - I never knew it until Pam pointed it out to me, but I now hate to see my full body - only my head alone, because I'm so rediculous looking. My head should have grown as I've gotten fatter to compensate.
4. I have to put lip stuff on before I go to sleep at night. If I'm away from home without my exact kind of lip stuff, I absolutely can't sleep.
5. I'm a good multi-tasker except when I'm on the phone. When I'm on the phone I can only listen to who is one the phone, or deal with life - NOT BOTH EVER.
6. Whenever I can, I want to be in control - at least I can admit it.

Varsity Team said...

Pam you are so amazing, you just keep on trucking and I just love that about you. That arm looks so painful, and you should make that bread for us at cheer practice. Oh and that BUG, your brave I would have run away screaming. MISTY