Saturday, October 4, 2008

Was that really worth $30.00??

Here are my bruises from my last plasma donation. I have never had a bad experience before. I went in on Friday to finish earning my $50.00 for the week, and this is what I came home with. When the guy put the needle in my arm it seemed o.k. but when the machine started, I wanted to cry it hurt so bad. I didn't say anything to any one, I just thought I could tough it out for the next hour and I really wanted to read the book I brought. I really don't mind needles at all, but I do not like to look at them when they are in me, if I had looked I would have found that my arm was swelling up like a ballloon and everything that was being pumped into me was piling up right above my elbow. Ouch!! Well my maching was not working right so one of the girls came to check it and I asked what was wrong with it, she said she didn't think the needle liked how it was placed in my vein. I was like "yeah it is killing me!!" so she started to poke around in my arm right on top of the needle and besides hurting a bunch it also started to gross me out. I started to get all sweaty and pukey feeling and I felt like I was gonna pass out. I didn't but it was really crappy, now I have this HUGE bruise and it looks like I have been battered. The cheerleaders all said that if Jeff was beating me up they could take care of him for me. The funny part about this too is that the girl next to me in the plasma center was not doing well either, it was her first time there and while I was having trouble, so was she. She almost passed out and was barfing in the garbage can next to her bed. I am sure the employees were so glad when we left that day!!! The sad thing is... I'll go back, I guess we will see what happens then. Nasty!!


Kjerstin said...

OUCH!!! I'm just the opposite of you, I HATE needles with a passion. They'd have to pay a lot more than $30 to get me to do that voluntarily.

Jenny G said...

I think this is gross and wrong. They should be fired and you should be rewarded one million dollars.

Nathan and Annalee Peterson Family said...

Wow, that looks like it hurts. That deserves at least $50.
What did you do with your $30?

Karri said...

OMG Pam. I got two of those when I was doing it. I feel for ya!

amber and james said...

Pam, you sacrifice a lot for your blood money! I am proud of you. That was your war wound.