Here is the outfit Jeff decided to put on to humor me. Lookin' good right! Everyone was pretty excited for this to happen. Jeff did the mixing and dumping and picking up the wormies...
Carson had no mercy and a certain skill that no one else could quite develope. He could yank a worm that was 1/2 out of the ground with out breaking it in 2.
Lincoln was also very brave. He started wearing his work gloves but quickly shed them so he could be more at 1 with the worms and he got pretty good at getting them out of the ground too. He would occasionally rip one in half, oopsie. Or squeeze the poop out of them.
Maycee did ok at first but as the night progressed so did her gross out factor for the worms and she would just hold the flashlight and point the worms out for the boys to grab. And I was in charge of the bucket, I would say "trick or treat" and the boys would throw worms right in. Here is the good news, we spent $20.00 on the sollution and after 2 1/2 nights of worming we had about 7 1/2 lbs. of worms, cashing in at $22.17 for a total of $2.17 profit! We made a killing huh!