Monday, August 31, 2009

Oh cute puppy

This is our new puppy, Mack(Mack Daddy, Big Mack, Macaroni, Mack Taylor etc.) My friend gave him to us. She already has a bulldog and her friend gave her this puppy cuz she got a dog from bulldog rescue that was pregnant and this is one of the puppies. We love our little Macky!!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Happy Birthday to Myself!

First off, this is Jenny again. Pam's sister who happened to set up her blog and knows all her passwords...Secondly, we have a tradition that I send a card with the birthday person's head on something. I used a banana car because, "There's a putter going slow I call it a banana."

Today is Pam's Birthday! What better present could I give than an updated blog, right, right? Here are six things I really like about her. I picked six since the numbers in her age add to that. You do the math.

1. When we play Taboo we are psychics. I only have to say something like "binder" and she will know to say "tent."
2. She was always better at gymnastics. If I could dislocate like her I would be more flexible too.
3. One time we switched the preselected muffins at the grocery store. We probably wanted more chocolate ones. They probably frown on consumers touching baked goods and repackaging them.
4. If you get her to laugh hard enough she'll pee her pants.
5. We can make up dances that will have you on the edge of your seat.
6. She's very thoughtful. She came to visit and kept doing very helpful things, like she was part of my brain. My poor husband gets the raw end of this because I'm always saying things like, "Pam would have known."

Happy Birthday Pam!